Our goal is that the products we display Consumer Email List are easily comparable. Hence, the information we show should help to do so. Perhaps the sizes available, the color or even the material the product is made of, are more important in Consumer Email List some e-commerce than the price itself. If we can also help the user to detect some peculiarities such as offers or news at a quick glance, it will be much easier for them to find what they are looking for. One of the most frequent doubts is the number of products to show in the grid.
This number will depend mainly on the Consumer Email List stock. One tip would be to make sure the page load speed is optimized and avoid infinite scrolling. It is possible that our users want to reach the footer and we are preventing it ;) Useful filters Consumer Email List How important are the filters and how little attention is paid to them. Especially when we have a large quantity of product or a single category, but with many varieties, these should be one of the main things to fall back on. The first thing we have to check is that they are accessible.
It is something that seems very obvious, but it is Consumer Email List very common to find online stores where (especially in mobile ) the filters are not visible. Analyzing the use of filters very well gives us many clues about what our users need. It will help Consumer Email List you sort them. Once you know its importance, you will have to choose the most appropriate input design. The color selector is not the same as a slider to choose between a price range. And remember to give control to the user, to be aware of what filters they are applying.